Female Tech Exec

5 Resilience Strategies I Learned from this CPO who Fought for Her Daughter's Adoption as a Single Mom

Lisa Kostova Season 2 Episode 124

Nivedita Ojha has broken quite a few norms in her life.  But none more significant than the decision she made to adopt an older child from an Indian orphanage as a single mom.

It was the spring of 2020 and as the world came to a halt at the onset of COVID, Nivedita was unable to travel to India to bring her new daughter home.  What followed was 9 months of a forced wait as Nivedita's boss transitioned out and a new executive came in - one who felt threatened by the independence of an Indian woman who dared to adopt a child as a single parent and single provider.  

Today as I sit down with this brave woman full of fire, passion, generosity, and optimism, I want to know the key to her ability to overcome challenges - both professional and personal - as a high-level female executive.  

Nivedita is currently Chief Product Officer at FORT Robotics, in charge of a high-precision suite of products that combine both software and hardware.  She loves her job, her company, and her team. 

But the road to here has not been easy.  It has taken her from leading her own startups to VP roles at companies like Citrix and Autodesk. There were many times in her career when Nivedita didn't exactly fit in with her big personality, big energy, passionate voice and bold vision in the package of an Indian woman.

But she persevered.  And she's here to share the lessons learned and the keys to not just surviving some spectacular challenges, but to thriving and enjoying her life and work fully.

Connect with Nivedita at https://www.linkedin.com/in/nojha/